Sunday 11 November 2018

Grade 7 Foundations

Grade 7 students are always learning about safety and how to read a recipe as well as working as part of a team! Our time in Foods allows us to make smoothies, cookies, cinnamon buns, muffins, and sometimes pizza! Students will start thinking about choosing their Complementary Courses (Comp Courses)soon for next semester. 

Grade 9 students are now embarking on the HDC Maker Market! We can't wait until December 13th to show off our wares! 
We are making everything from checker boards to cookies in a jar! Stay tuned!
We kicked off our learning with a visit to the BMO Center for inspiration. 

Wednesday 12 September 2018

All Grades are practicing reading recipes correctly, 
time management and group skills in the kitchen! 

Thursday 6 September 2018


Welcome to Foods! This course is about developing your food skills and learning about all aspects of the culinary world! Skaol!